Today I'm starting a new blog feature, the Star Quilt Block of the Month Tutorial. This feature is going to run for at least 12 months. All blocks will be 12" finished size, so you can use them together in a Star Sampler Quilt, or sew 12 different Star Quilts, or get creative with your Stars and sew something truly unique.
The Star for August is Superstar.
I am sewing all of my Star blocks with some gorgeous new fabrics from Robert Kaufman. I have a combination of the new Jennifer Sampou Studio Stash fabrics, some Artisan Batiks, and a few Fusion blenders. I am having a giveaway of a big fat quarter bundle featuring all 13 of the fabrics I will be using at the end of this post.
Let's get started!
The Superstar Block requires four fabrics. I used Dark Brown, Purple, Lilac, and Pink.
Cutting Instructions:
Dark Brown: Cut 2 ea. 3-7/8" squares A Purple: Cut 2 ea. 3-7/8" squares A
Cut 4 ea. 3-1/2" x 6-1/2" strips B Cut 2 ea. 2-3/8" squares C
Cut 2 ea. 2-3/8" squares C
Cut 4 ea. 3-1/2" x 2" strips D Lilac: Cut 8 ea. 3-1/2" squares E
Cut 8 ea. 2" squares F
Pink: Cut 1 ea. 3-1/2" square E
Sewing the Superstar Block
(All seam allowances are 1/4")
Draw a diagonal line from corner to corner on the reverse side of all the Lilac 3-1/2" squares E, and the Lilac 2" squares F.
Lay one Lilac 3-1/2" square E on one Dark Brown 3-1/2" x 6-1/2" strip B, right sides together with top, bottom, and right edges lined up. The drawn line should run from the top left center to the lower right corner of the unit.
Sew on the drawn line, from edge to edge.
Flip the Lilac fabric open and press.
Trim away the two layers of backing fabric, leaving an approximate 1/4" seam allowance. Save the cut away triangles for a future project.
Lay a second Lilac 3-1/2" square E face down on the unit with top, bottom, and left edges lined up. The drawn line should run from the top right center to the lower left corner of the unit. Sew on the drawn line, from edge to edge.
Flip, press, and trim as before. The unit should measure 3-1/2" x 6-1/2". Repeat to sew a total of four large units.
Using the Dark Brown 2" x 3-1/2" strips D and the Lilac 2" squares F, sew four small units in the same manner. The small units should measure 2" x 3-1/2".
Draw a diagonal line from corner to corner on the reverse side of the two Dark Brown 3-7/8" squares A.
Pair them right sides together with the two Purple 3-7/8" squares A.
Sew 1/4" away from the drawn line on both sides.
Cut on the drawn lines.

Open out and press to make four 3-1/2" triangle square units.
Using the Dark Brown 2-3/8" squares C, and the Purple 2-3/8" squares C, sew four small triangle square units in the same manner. The units should measure 2" square.
Using the small flying geese units, the small triangle square units, and the Pink 3-1/2" square E, lay out the components of the inner star. Be careful to orient the pieces the correct way, with the Dark Browns on the outer edges.
Sew into three rows.
Sew the three rows together, completing the inner star. The center should measure 6-1/2" square.
Lay out the entire block, once again being careful to orient all the Dark Brown fabrics to the outside edges.
Sew the units into three rows.
Isn't this exciting?!!
Sew the three rows together to complete your block.
Smile! Enjoy your block. There are eleven more sparkling star blocks to come. Become a follower of the Curlicue Creations blog and join in on the fun!
And now for the giveaway! Robert Kaufman Fabrics has graciously provided the fabric for the Star Block of the Month tutorials and I have this fabulous stack of fat quarters for one lucky reader to play with. Just leave me a comment letting me know who your favorite "Superstar" is. It can be anyone, a movie star, a singer, a sports figure, even your best friend. I will pick a winner at random on August 7, 2013.
Until next time...please visit the Curlicue Creations Shop...and have a super day!
Get Creative!
Jennifer Schifano Thomas
It's hard to choose one "Superstar," but I'll have to say my friend Judy makes it to the top of the list. She is the mom of a child with Downs Syndrome. The love she pours out daily to her precious son inspires and encourages me.
ReplyDeleteMy Superstar is my daughter for helping me on a daily basis and not getting upset with me as I am disabled and have a hard time walking! She helps me shop and get things done and she also works hard on her job and still helps me!
ReplyDeleteI would have to say my youngest daughter is my "superstar" She is 17 now and has aspergers/autism. She struggles everyday to "fit" in and is doing a fantastic job. Even got her Drivers License.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite "Superstar" is my daughter Jenny. Although she is shy, she goes out of her way regularly for others.
ReplyDeleteI would have to say my husband. My husband works long hours and very hard so I can be a stay-at-home mom, he never gets mad or upset what so ever when I spend 100s on fabric or when I spend hours and hours sewing. He is my true superstar :)
ReplyDeleteIf my Mother was still alive, she would be my superstar!
ReplyDeleteLove this block, and those colors f fabric! Going to my stash now to see what I have!
Very pretty fabrics and star block. Never got into the whole superstar thing.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite superstar is my Mom. Grew up without parents, first female commercial artist at an advertising agency in NY, first nontraditional student in SUNY SB, and taught me how to set a goal and go for it, slowly and steadily making progress. Thanks for the chance to win. VermontPines at aol dot com
ReplyDeleteMy Superstar is Jesus! He has blessed me so much :)
ReplyDeleteMy husband is my "Superstar", he supports me in everything I do!!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite superstar is my husband. When we first met I told him we were legion, I was a single mother with a teen mom who had 2 little boys. We were a package deal. He still fell in love with me all of us. Moved us in and the rest is history.
ReplyDeleteI don't really think of people as being superstars but if I did, today I would pick Michelle Knight who faced her kidnapper of 11 years in court yesterday. It took courage for her to be in that courtroom with him and say what she did.
ReplyDeleteMy superstar is Barb, my caregiver. For the past 5-1/2 years since my car accident she has taken care of me, monitors my meds, all my doctor visits, I check in with her everyday and she assesses my report and gives me instructions regarding nutrition, exercise, whether I should call the doctor, scolds me if I've been on my feet too much. Oh, did I mention that I had to move back to Ohio for better medical care and Barb is in Arizona? I couldn't find a proper caregiver in Ohio and Barb continues to monitor my care from Arizona. She is also a very dear friend. She has been my superstar for a long time now, but I wouldn't have another.
ReplyDeleteMy superstar is my caregiver, Barb, who has been caring for me since my car accident which I almost didn't survive 5-1/2 years ago. Everyday I report to her and we discuss my daily activities, meds, diet, and how I'm feeling that day. Did I mention that 3 years ago I had to move back to Ohio for better medical care and Barb lives in Arizona? We tried to find a caregiver here in Ohio with no success. So Barb insisted on continuing to be my caregiver....long distance. So each evening I call and we go over everything. Barb knows me so well she can tell whether I've eaten properly that day, or I was on my feet too much or just over did it that day. She advises when I should go see my doctor sooner than the regular scheduled visit. I just don't know how I would have gotten thru the past 5-1/2 years without Barb. She has become a very good friend too. Without her, I could not do half the things I am able to do today. I thank God everyday for Barb and for still being on this side of the grass.
ReplyDeleteYou all have wonderful superstars and I have dome in my life too, but I have to agree with Judy this day I would say it is Michelle Knight.
ReplyDeleteI love these fabrics you have chosen and the new to me block you did the tutorial on for August.
Thanks for letting us all have a chance to win some lovely fabric. You are a superstar for showing us all how to make this beautiful star block. I appreciate your sharing information, that is very sweet of you. Sincerely, Carolyn H
ReplyDeleteMy superstar is my amazing daughter. Her dad and I were divorced when she was 8, but we never stopped being family. Her dad was sticken with M.D. at a very young age. My wonderful daughter stepped up to the plate, learned to be a medical transcriptionist so she could work from home and became his full time caregiver. Her daughter was then born 12 weeks early (in the front seat of a car) and was learning disabled. My daughter once again stepped up to the plate - fought tooth and nail with the school system to get her little girl the help she needed, and succeeded. My granddaughter is now a recent college graduate! My daughter is my role model! What a superstar she is!
ReplyDeleteMy mom is my superstar. She sewed almost everyday, worked full time and loved her family.
ReplyDeleteMy husband is my superstar. I have been ill for several years and my dear sweet hubby has been there for me every step of the way. Despite his own health issues he still puts me and my health first. Yup, he is my hero and my superstar!
ReplyDeleteI'm a new follower and looking forward to a completed star quilt in the next year. My husband is my superstar, He came into my life when I was so down and out that I probably would not have made it much longer. His kindness and love saved my life some 32 years ago and I hope he will be around for another 20 at least!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great tutorial! Can't wait to try it! Thanks for posting it!
ReplyDeleteGreat block, outstanding colors, simple construction, great end result & am looking forward to the following blocks to come. As for my "superstar" that would have to be 'Acela' who was an important person in my life, who influenced me to be the person I am today. Although she has passed, she is often in my daily thoughts. Thanks for the opportunity to express my feelings.
ReplyDeleteDon't know why my comment didn't post...trying one more time! Great tutorial...thanks for doing this!
ReplyDeleteThose movie stars, musicians and other media darlings just don't do it for me. My 3 grandchildren are another story, they are my superstars. I adore them.
ReplyDeleteThe first quilt I ever made was a star sampler. Might be time for another one. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting a wonderful tutorial, stars are my favorite :D My superstars are my children who I raised to be independent and self-sufficient in their own lives. And I would sooooo love this pile of fabric !
ReplyDeleteMy superstar is my mom. She grew up in rural Alabama with less than a 2nd grade education. After my dad left she raised all nine of us children to be happy and productive individuals. We'd do just about anything to repay her love and dedication. I'd love to win this fabric and use it to make her a special gift to show her "stardom".
ReplyDeleteLovely star! Beautiful fabric! Thanks for the directions.
ReplyDeletemy post didn't show either. My daughter-in-law has raised 3 boys under the age of 7. She is a stay at home mom, and the boys are well behaved and just precious! She is my superstar! Great Job! Thank you for having this giveaway, I am a newbie and need to add to my stash!
ReplyDeletewow such beautiful colors. I have to say my husband of 23 yrs is my superstar. We've been each other's support when he had cancer and is now a survivor, through my Parkinson's and both knee replacements. He's my star.
ReplyDeleteI have a few, but for this I'd say my superstar is my oldest son. He is an Army veteran who served two tours, one in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. He is home and "safe" now but I think forever changed by war. I couldn't be prouder that he stepped up.
ReplyDeleteMy superstar(s) are my 3 children who are amazing adults who have, along with their spouses, become productive adults who give back to their community as well as their friends and family. So happy to have raised givers in today's world of takers. Your idea for this monthly star quilt block is a fabulous idea. Thank you for sharing your ideas and giving so that others can enjoy.
ReplyDeleteI would have to say my super star is my Sister, April. She always was there to support me. 2 years ago, she passed away unexpectedly. She had her faith in God. She left us on her Son's 13th birthday. I know he is growing up to be a nice young man. She was fun and always happy. She started a Camo Quilt for her Son. My Mother and I finished it for my Nephew. We are waiting for him to get a little bit older so we can give it to him. I know he will appreciate it knowing it was put together by his Mother.
ReplyDeleteI would love to SIS is my super star. I would love to be counted in the drawing.
ReplyDeleteMy former boss is my favorite superhero. She believed the best in all of us and was constantly giving and doing her job. Love her!
ReplyDeleteMy husband John is my superstar and my rock. I LOVE your block and look forward to the future ones. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteA superstar in my life would be my mom. My dad has been sick for several years now and she cares for him every day with a cheerful smile on her face. No matter what the day brings, she's there for him.
ReplyDeleteI was a little blocked by the term superstar... but on reflection, I would say my friends and family are my superstars. They provide me love and support and allow me into their lives so I feel a useful and valued.
ReplyDeleteYour directions for this first block were very clear, this will be a fun project to follow!
Thank you for putting my name in the hat for your drawing for these nice fabrics!
My superstar is my husband, Ray. Through good times and bad, he has been my solid rock for 62 years.
ReplyDeleteMy husband is my superstar. He is always there for me despite having his own health issues. He rarely complains and always looks out for our family. Thank you for the giveaway.
ReplyDeleteMy "Super Star" is my wonderful Husband!! I have been goin' thru cancer issues off & on...and solidly for almost 2 loooong years facing Radiation for 6 weeks. He is my ROCK...keeps me gigglin' & smilin'....and helps soooo much...and definitely Lotsa Hugs!!! He is a rock star for sure.... I am soooooo blessed!!!
ReplyDeleteMy superstar is my dad, for whom this star quilt will be made! He was politically forced to retire from a law enforcement career of 48 years on August 5th, but continues to hold his head high, and represents the best of what each of us can be. He is a talented and skilled plumber, architecht, landscaper, and all around handy guy and has been my and my young daughters rock since my divorce 13 years ago...always ready to fix the problems of the world at the expense of his own time and health. I love him more than I can say and he is a role model for the man I hope my daughter chooses for her mate in the future.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the drawing Jennifer this is so thoughtful of you! I know anyone of us will be a happy camper as a winner and I look forward to following the blog and tutorials! Great job on #1!