Today I'm going to show you the Connections quilt. This quilt was made with all solid fabrics by Island Batik. I've always loved a good rainbow quilt. A rainbow ribbon runs through a field of stars to make a stunning quilt.
Disclaimer: The fabric for this quilt was supplied at no cost to me by Island Batik. The batting for this quilt was supplied at no cost to me by Hobbs Batting.
Island Batik has a beautiful selection of solids to coordinate with their batik fabrics. This pink is just one of the many solid colors I used in the Connections quilt. If you haven't tried Island Batik's solids before, I would urge you to try them out. They are made using the same high quality, high thread count fabric that they use for their batik fabrics so they pair with them perfectly. And best of all, these fabrics have minimal fraying. Super saturated colors, minimal fraying. Just two of the many reasons that I'm a huge fan of Island Batik.
This is the Connection block in gray with the red ribbon. These are a lot of fun to sew, and with all the colors of the rainbow, you are not going to get bored sewing a lot of blocks that are all the same. Each block is like a bright little happy surprise of color.
Here's a sampling of the gray Connections blocks in progress on my design wall.
More block units coming together. It almost looks like a plaid here.
And more. This would make a bright, happy quilt, too. I may try that in the future.
Black Connections blocks in progress. This would make an interesting quilt, too. This is why I love my design wall. I'm always seeing future quilts while I'm working.
Black Connections blocks ~ almost finished!
A variety of finished Connections blocks. I'm starting to sew them together into rows.
Trail Mix says "That is all the sewing for today. I'm claiming this box and yellow fabric for my own."
Quilt Stats:
Quilt Size: 62" x 72"
Fabric: Solids by Island Batik
Batting: 80/20 Black by Hobbs
Thread: Pumice, King Tut, by Superior
Needles: Schmetz
Designed in EQ8
The Connections quilt pattern can be found in select quilt shops across the USA. Look for it in your local shop. If your shop doesn't carry Curlicue Creations patterns, ask for them!
Optionally you can order a copy from the Curlicue Creations Shop.
Click here to order a PDF Instant Download Connections Pattern.
Click here to order a paper copy via U.S. Mail Connections Pattern.
If you sew a Connections quilt, please share a pic with me on Instagram @curlicuecreations
I would love to see your quilt!
Be Creative ~ Sew Something Beautiful Today,
Jennifer Thomas
Curlicue Creations
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