Tuesday, March 18, 2025

It's All Up to You ~ Flower Power Pants

Hello everyone!  This is my March Island Batik Ambassador project:  Flower Power Pants!

Disclaimer:  The products used to create this project were generously given to me by Island Batik (Lumin Fabrics) and Industry Partners.
This month's Island Batik Ambassador challenge is "It's All Up to You".  It's a free month where we can make anything we want.  So much fun!  Have you been following the Island Batik Ambassador team?  There are some amazingly creative projects this month!

For this month, I knew I wanted to use this Fusion 10" precuts pack. Originally I planned and wrote a new pattern to make a lap quilt with this fabric, but I scrapped the idea when I woke at 2 a.m. with the idea for the Flower Power pants instead.  I stayed awake the rest of the night, thinking about it, so I knew I needed to change my March project from the quilt to the pants.  I used these two flower dies from my Accuquilt collection to cut out the shapes.

I backed my fabric with fusible web before cutting.  Here are some of the flower shapes I cut for my project.

I cut shapes from all 20 of the fabrics in the Fusion collection.  The more I worked with this fabric, the more I loved it.  These fabrics make my heart happy!  My Oliso MP3 project iron worked wonderfully when I arranged and fused the shapes onto my pants.  The flowers go up each leg, front and back from the hem to just over the knee.

Once everything was fused in place, I began blanket stitching around the edges of each patch.  I used almost the entire spool of this pink Aurifil 12 wt. thread, color number 2530.

Blanket stitching is fun!

I mixed it up and used Aurifil 12 wt. thread in color number 2205 as well.  It's a light peach color that also coordinates well with this fabric collection.  It was fun to match the thread to some of the fabrics and contrast it with others.

The third thread I tried was green Aurifloss color number 2890.  I used three strands for one of the flowers, but changed to two strands for the other patches that I stitched with the Aurifloss.  They looked great either way.

It was challenging to get good photos of this project.  I'm not used to photographing garments.  Here I'm modeling them in my backyard.

Looking down.

On my beach cruiser.

Playing with the band, Just Another Fish in the Sea.

The Flower Power Pants were fun to make and my second try at garment embellishment. I already have another idea for a jacket percolating in my brain.

Please be sure to visit the rest of the Island Batik Ambassador team to see the fabulous projects they made for the March It's All Up to You challenge.  Here's the list:
The Sunlit Garden blog hop winner was Joyce of Green Bay, WI.  She won a fat quarter bundle of the entire Sunlit Garden collection, and chose the Cabin Crossing pattern to go with it.  Happy Sewing, Joyce!

Be Creative ~ Sew Something Beautiful Today

Jennifer Thomas
Curlicue Creations

For Curlicue Creations quilt patterns, Island Batik fabric, and more, 

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